Wednesday, 27 July 2016


As soon I got a whatsapp message from one of my new friends, Ashok Kamte sir, I looked into my watch. It was 2 am, and he was awake. I knew that he must have found something new, I was excited and hence proved by the message at such an odd time. It was GRAVICITY.


I often introduce him to my friends as SCIENTIST. Engineering graduate from VJTI, Mumbai and post - graduate from ICT, Mumbai (formerly UDCT). 27 years of experience, retired after inventing 7 import-substitute-products. To add more, he had worked in various projects related to AKASH, AGNI, LRSAM missiles, submarines, Arihant refueling and Skanda Aerospace, etc. His detail profile may be available on request.


I had gone to him for taking his help to sell solar panels to industries, he came up with idea of GENERATING ELECTRICITY FROM GRAVITY. We  coined a new word GRAVICITY (GRAVIty based electriCITY)

  • Imagine electricity generation 24 x 365, continuously, without any breaks. 
  • The generator keeps working continuously for 15 years from installation, may be even after that.
  • Low Initial cost or lesser than solar panels for similar capacities.
  • Per unit electricity generated is only 50 paise or lesser, including maintenance and repairs cost.
  • Needs only 4 feet by 2 feet space on the floor for 1 megawatt project. Thus land space is saved.
  • Electricity generation can be stopped or started anytime by applying brakes.
  • No heat, noise or any smoke, no fossil fuels like petrol, diesel, kerosene, gas, or any chemicals or wind energy, solar energy required.
  • No global warming effects or no fluctuations in the output (electricity)
  • Can also be used for other forms of energy requirements like heating water (substitute to solar water geysers).
  • Can be patented in India and across the world.
  • Better than 8 other patented research existing in USA. 
Request for financial help on further research to develop prototype, and commercialization. Budget may be upto Rs. 2 Lakhs.

The idea is ready on paper, as on today 27.07.2016